
Al the events in my life that I’m experiencing now, joblessness, stuck in the rut with nothing much to do and literally waiting things out, numerous health issues, last but not least my current hearing impairment are the nasty consequences of a culmination of events which occurred in my teenagehood. I have finally come to…

It’s a Matter of How the Tide Will Turn, As Well As How.

Writing-wise, if I seriously wanted to get back into my groove of updating on a semi-regular basis, it may do me good to go back to what I do best-known personal posts about my own observations and mental health, although I do think there has been an over-saturation of this topic on my blog lately….

I’m my own Ghost of Future Present

There will be probably be a break of pattern in this lone post compared to my posts of 2019, since I am a grown woman in my late 20s now. In many ways I do feel like my life just started due to my four year delay no thanks to illness and disability, which this blog has been a very faithful documenter of.


When I first started writing I wrote for the pleasure of it. Then slowly and sinisterly I began writing to draw in readers, and it all ended up with deciding blogging about mental health isn’t worth it after all as it wasn’t making an impact in my own country as I wanted and I felt…

3 Months Away from first year anniversary with HoH status

The title may come as a shocker for a few of you who have been rather regular readers when I used to be active on this blog, several several months ago.   You’ve read that right. Since the original story is so exhaustive, I’ll boil the gist down to a few points: 1. Yes, I’ve…

Life on a Rockin’ Boat

I don’t have a medical degree, but over the course of frequent hospital visits these two years I’ve come to realise I have a high probability of being right when it comes to my own body- a whopping 50%. My doctors from ENT have narrowed down my possible diagnoses to either vestibular migraines or Meniere’s…

Blogging about mental health is just not worth it anymore.

I’m losing my sense of hearing and processing spoken language in crowded, noisy /echoy environments, an accessory to my recently acquired hyperacusis,  in the latest gamut of symptoms since the start of my PTSD two years ago. Since being criticised for blogging about my mental health, I’ve gone away from WordPress entirely and come to…

Say It In Photographs: Fashion Comedy

I wore slippers to the city this week, then went house visiting for the Lunar New Year in them. Conventionally, the latter may be seen as a social faux pas. It is the norm for everyone to dress up well during the New Year, with New Year sales signalling its the season ripe for making…

Belated greetings! 2019

  Всем привет! A belated New Year to everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! It’s now almost the middle of January and a lot has changed since then!  I’m currently in a transitory phase of life and in between sending resumes and waiting on God for a full time job, I’ve been cherishing…


Been feeling the need to go AWOL on all my socials these days on a conscious level. I have no idea why I feel the sudden want to do so, having always been active on platforms for years. Perhaps all that I’ve had to face changed the face of it all and my perspective, and…