Crimson Peak poetry: Lucille

Crimson Peak – Lucille Sharpe (1/4 poetry series I shall attempt to write) A lullaby I shall play It is all I’ve known Beautiful it is, but so is a butterfly Fragile they are, passing when winds of autumn arrive All I’ve ever known is my home Where the two of us reside Remember when…

Crimson Peak: Literary Analysis (spoiler rich)

Sunday was pretty much a movie day. I woke up earlier to watch Crimsom Peak in the late morning with a good friend of mine, and Bridge of Spies in the late afternoon with my mother. From the trailer and posters, Crimson Peak looks to be a Gothic movie, a la Tim Burton if one is…

Vivid Dreams and Incidental Irony

Thoughts and words are powerful. What we say; if we say it consistently enough, can steer our attitude and where we go in life. Me being a Christ follower, I have heard the following verse pertaining to the underrated power of words spoken: “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them…

Involuntary Gap Year and The Peril of Uncertainty

If there’s a challenge for any young graduate these days in our privileged 21st century, it’ll be taking a gap year, or rather having one involuntarily because your plans didn’t go through as you thought it would. Gap years usually In other countries, gap years are encouraged as a form of taking the focus away…

Deja Vu of a writer & literary firsts

It was about 4 years back that I created my Wattpad account, to publish my own poetry works. I started off there beginning a now-abandoned, unfinished novel titled Espionage that was primarily inspired by Stieg Larrson’s Milennium trilogy. Literary artistically, I wrote myself into a wall and hit it, face first. What I learnt from…